The Amazing Adventure of the Ball, Bike, Kite, Car, Doll and Robot

Once upon a time, a little ball, bike, kite, car, doll and robot went on a wild adventure. They decided to have a race to see who was the fastest. The ball rolled down the hill, the bike pedaled through the park, the kite flew in the sky, the car drove on the road, the doll skipped along, and the robot walked on its metal legs.

But then, they realized that they could work together better than competing against each other. So, they combined their strengths to form a super vehicle that could fly, drive, roll, skip and walk all at the same time! They zoomed off into the distance, having the time of their lives and making new friends along the way.

The end.


  1. What do the ball, bike, kite, car, doll and robot do at first?
  2. Why did they change their minds about the race?
  3. How did they work together to form a super vehicle?
  4. What kind of adventures did they have?
  5. What did they learn about teamwork?

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