The Mischievous Hand: A Tale of Pranks and Laughter

Once there was a hand named Harry who lived on a leg. Harry was always up for a good time and loved to play pranks on his friends, the fingers, ears, arm, mouth, eyes, head, and nose.
One day, Harry decided to play a trick on nose. He tickled nose's ears with his fingers, making nose sneeze so loudly that it shook head and made eyes water. Arm and leg couldn't help but laugh!
Nose was not amused, it chased after Harry and finally caught him. But Harry had one more surprise up his sleeve, he popped out of his hiding place and said "Gotcha" with a big grin on his mouth.
Everyone, including nose, burst out laughing. From that day on, they all agreed that Harry was the king of pranks!


  1. What was the hand named Harry's favorite thing to do?
  2. How did nose react when it found out it was being tickled by Harry?
  3. What happened when nose finally caught Harry?
  4. Who was crowned the king of pranks at the end of the story?
  5. How did the other body parts react during the wild chase between nose and Harry?

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