The Missing Pepper: A Veggie Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a vegetable garden where all the veggies lived together in harmony. One day, the carrots decided they wanted to have a big party to celebrate their deliciousness. They invited all their veggie friends, including the corn, salad, aubergine, pepper, and cucumber.

When the day of the party arrived, the carrots were preparing a big salad for everyone to enjoy. But when they went to grab the pepper, they realized that he had disappeared! The carrots, corn, salad, aubergine, and cucumber searched high and low for the missing pepper, but they couldn't find him anywhere.

Just as they were about to give up, they heard a funny noise coming from the salad bowl. They looked inside and found the pepper hiding inside! He had jumped into the bowl to play a prank on his friends.

The veggies all laughed and danced the night away, enjoying the delicious salad and each other's company. From that day on, they made sure to always include the pepper in their parties and adventures. The end.


  1. What made the veggies decide to have a party?
  2. Where did they find the missing pepper?
  3. What did they do once they found the pepper?
  4. How did the veggies feel about the pepper's prank?
  5. Why was the party a success?

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