Once upon a time, there was a big alligator who lived in a swamp. He was feeling angry because he couldn't find his ax. "I need to chop down some trees for my bed", he thought. Suddenly, he saw an ant carrying a big apple. The alligator chased after the ant, but the ant was too quick. The ant ran into a tree where a bear was sleeping. The bear woke up and saw the alligator, so he grabbed a banana and threw it at the alligator's head. The alligator got so dizzy that he fell over and went to sleep. A bird came and started to build a nest on the alligator's nose. When the alligator woke up, he saw the bird and said, "Oh, I must have had a wild dream!" The alligator, the ant, the bear, and the bird all lived happily ever after. The end.
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