Once upon a time, there was a tiny light named Sparkle who lived in a dark forest. Sparkle loved to shine bright and bring joy to all the creatures around her. One day, she noticed that the forest was getting too dense and she could barely reach out to others because she was too low. So, she decided to go on an adventure to find a higher place where she could shine brighter and reach out to more creatures.
On her journey, Sparkle met a group of fireflies who were close by, but they warned her that the higher she went, the further she would get from them. Sparkle didn't mind, she just wanted to shine brighter and bring joy to more creatures.
As she kept climbing, she finally reached a high branch where she shone brighter than ever before. But to her surprise, she noticed that the fireflies were now distant and she felt lonely. She realized that shining brighter wasn't everything and she missed the fun and friendship she had with the fireflies.
So, Sparkle decided to go back down to the dark forest and be near the fireflies again. She learned that sometimes being close to your friends and shining together is better than shining bright and being far away.
And that's the story of Sparkle, the tiny light who learned to shine bright and be near her friends at the same time.
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