Once upon a time, there was a little duckling who wanted to go on an adventure. So, he climbed aboard a ship and set sail. As he was sailing, he met a frog who was also looking for adventure. The frog asked if he could join the duckling on his journey. The duckling said yes, and the two of them continued on their adventure together.
Soon, they came across a hare who was running late for a very important date. The hare asked if they could give him a ride, and the duckling and frog agreed. They hopped on the ship and sailed on.
As they were sailing, they saw a bear who was feeling lonely. The bear asked if he could join them on their journey, and the duckling, frog and hare agreed.
Next, they met a goat who was looking for a new home. The goat asked if he could come along, and the duckling, frog, hare and bear agreed.
Finally, they met a fox who was trying to catch dinner. The fox asked if he could join them, but the duckling, frog, hare, bear and goat were afraid. They remembered that foxes were known for being cunning, so they declined the fox's request.
Feeling sad, the fox decided to follow the ship from behind in his car. The duckling, frog, hare, bear and goat didn't notice the fox following them, and they all had a great adventure together.
The end.
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