Arctic Adventure: The Great Race

Once upon a time, in the Arctic, a group of animals decided to have a race. The competitors were a reindeer, a narwhal, a walrus, a penguin, a polar bear, and a beluga whale.
The starting line was set, and the race began! The reindeer took the lead, but the penguin quickly overtook him with its slippery slides. The walrus tried to keep up, but its flippers couldn't handle the ice. The polar bear was close behind but got distracted by some fish. The beluga whale used its powerful tail to swim ahead, but the narwhal used its long tusk to cut through the water like a hot knife through butter.
In the end, the narwhal crossed the finish line first, but all the animals laughed and celebrated their fun adventure together.
The end.


  1. Who was the winner of the race?
  2. How did each animal try to win the race?
  3. Why was the polar bear distracted during the race?
  4. Why did all the animals celebrate together at the end?
  5. If you could be any animal in the story, which one would you choose and why?

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