The Table's Lesson: A Classroom Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a table, pencil, chair, bag, book and eraser who lived in a classroom. The table was always bossy and loved to boss the others around. One day, the chair got fed up and came up with a plan. He convinced the pencil, eraser, and book to join forces and teach the table a lesson.

The next day, when the table was giving orders as usual, the pencil suddenly started to draw all over the table's surface. The eraser rubbed out the pencil marks, while the book covered the table with pages. The bag helped by putting the table inside and carrying it around the room.

The table was so surprised that he didn’t know what to do. He realized that he had been too bossy and apologized to the others. From then on, they all worked together happily, sharing duties and having fun. The end.


  1. Why did the chair, pencil, book and eraser team up against the table?
  2. How does the table change by the end of the story?
  3. What lesson did the table learn?
  4. If you were in the story, which character would you like to be friends with? Why?

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