The Color Race Adventure

Once upon a time, in a kingdom of colors, the King Yellow ruled over all the other colors. One day, King Yellow received a letter from King Brown saying that he wanted to challenge King Yellow to a color race. King Yellow agreed to the challenge and gathered all the colors to participate.

The race had 8 legs, each leg a different color: yellow, brown, black, blue, red, green, orange, white, and pink. The first leg was yellow and brown, they ran as fast as they could, but yellow was faster. The second leg was black and blue, but blue was faster. The third leg was red and green, but green was faster. The fourth leg was orange and white, but orange was faster. The fifth leg was pink, who was so slow that she fell asleep during the race.

Finally, King Yellow reached the finish line and won the race. King Brown congratulated King Yellow, and all the colors celebrated together. From that day on, all the colors learned to work together and have fun no matter who wins. The End.


  1. Who was the ruler of the kingdom of colors in the story?
  2. What was the challenge King Yellow received from King Brown?
  3. Who won the color race?
  4. Why did Pink fall asleep during the race?
  5. What did all the colors learn from the race?

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