Sophie's Backpacking Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sophie who loved to read. She would borrow books from the library and read them every day. One day, her parents told her that they were going on vacation for the summer. Sophie was so excited! She asked her parents if they could go backpacking in the mountains, and they said yes!

Before they left, Sophie and her parents went to the department store to buy some new clothes and camping gear. Sophie also wanted to get her hair cut, so they went to the barber shop.

On the day of the trip, Sophie packed her backpack with clothes, a novel she wanted to read, and a letter she wanted to mail to her best friend. They rented a DVD to watch on the car ride to the mountains.

Finally, they arrived at their campsite and set up their tent. Sophie was so excited to go hiking and exploring. She also couldn't wait to read her novel by the campfire at night.

Every day, they would go on different hikes and see beautiful sights. And every night, Sophie would read her novel and tell her parents about the adventures she had that day.

On the last day of the trip, they packed up their tent and hiked back to the car. Sophie was sad to leave the mountains, but she was also excited to go home and tell her best friend all about her vacation. She also mailed her letter to her best friend before they left.

Sophie and her family had a wonderful vacation, and she was so glad that she got to go backpacking and read a novel in the mountains.


  1. What was Sophie's favorite activity?
  2. What did Sophie pack in her backpack for the trip?
  3. What did Sophie do every night before bed during the trip?
  4. How did Sophie feel on the last day of the trip?
  5. What did Sophie do before leaving the mountains?

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