The Adventure of Buzzy the Bee and the Cherry Thief Pig

Once upon a time, there was a little bee named Buzzy. Buzzy lived in a big green meadow with all of his bee friends. One day, while Buzzy was out collecting nectar, he saw a beautiful red cherry tree. He knew his friends would love the sweet cherries, so he flew back to the meadow to tell them about it.

The bees were so excited and they all flew to the cherry tree together. But when they got there, they saw that a big black pig was eating all of the cherries! The bees tried to chase the pig away, but it was too big and strong.

Just then, a little chick named Chirpy came running over. "I know how to get rid of that pig," said Chirpy. "My momma duck told me that pigs are afraid of foxes."

Buzzy and the other bees looked around and saw a sly fox named Felix watching them from behind a bush. They asked Felix if he could help them, and he agreed.

Felix snuck up behind the pig and let out a big "RAH!" The pig was so scared that it ran away as fast as it could. The bees were able to collect all the cherries they wanted, and they thanked Felix for his help.

They all enjoyed the cherries together and Buzzy set a reminder on the clock for next cherry season.

The end.


  1. Why did Buzzy want to tell his bee friends about the cherry tree?
  2. How did the bees try to chase away the pig?
  3. Why did Felix agree to help the bees?

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