Emma's Chore Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a little girl named Emma. Emma loved to help her parents around the house, but she often found it hard to remember all the different chores she was supposed to do.
One day, her parents sat her down and gave her a list of things to do to keep the house clean. The first thing on the list was to "dry the dishes." Emma was excited to start, so she quickly went to the kitchen and began to dry the dishes.
Next, it was time to "vacuum the carpet." Emma went to the living room, got out the vacuum cleaner, and began to suck up all the dirt and dust from the carpet.
It was getting late, so Emma knew she had to hurry to finish her chores. The next thing on her list was to "take out the trash." Emma grabbed the trash bag and took it outside to the garbage can.
Finally, Emma had one last thing to do: "sweep the floor." She grabbed the broom and swept up all the dirt and crumbs from the kitchen floor.
When she finished, Emma was so proud of herself for completing all her chores. She went to her parents and showed them the clean house. They were so impressed and proud of her hard work. From then on, Emma always remembered to do her chores and the house was always clean and tidy.


  1. What was the first chore Emma had to do on her list?
  2. How did Emma feel about completing all her chores?
  3. Why did Emma's parents give her a list of chores to do?
  4. What happened after Emma showed her parents the clean house?

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