Timmy's Fun-Filled Adventures

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to do many things. One of his favorite things to do was to send messages to his friends on his phone. He also loved to surf the Internet and watch DVDs on his tablet.

Timmy also had a big collection of baseball cards that he loved to look through and show to his friends. He would often spend hours organizing his cards and making sure they were all in perfect condition.

When Timmy wasn't sitting at home, he loved to play soccer and badminton with his friends. He was very good at both sports and always had a great time when he was playing.

Even though Timmy loved all of these things, he also knew the importance of doing chores. Every evening, he would help his mom clear the table and wash the dishes after dinner. He knew that it was important to help out around the house and be a good member of the family.

The end.


  1. What are some of Timmy's favorite things to do?
  2. What is Timmy's hobby with baseball cards?
  3. What sports does Timmy like to play with his friends?
  4. How does Timmy show responsibility at home?
  5. What is the message of the story about Timmy?

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