Grandpa's Monster Prank

Once upon a time, there was a grandpa who loved to play pranks on his family. One day, he decided to play a trick on his son (dad), daughter-in-law (mum), and their children (brother, sister). Grandpa disguised himself as a monster and hid in the closet. When dad came home from work, grandpa jumped out and scared him. Dad ran to tell mum, who was cooking dinner. When she saw grandpa, she screamed and dropped her spoon. Brother and sister were so scared that they climbed onto the counter.

Just then, grandma, aunt, and uncle came to visit. Grandma was carrying a basket of apples, aunt had a bag of cookies, and uncle had a flower bouquet. When they saw grandpa in his monster disguise, they all started laughing. They explained to the kids that it was just grandpa playing a silly prank. The kids finally relaxed and had a great time playing with their grandparents and aunt and uncle. They all sat down to enjoy a delicious dinner and some good old-fashioned family fun.

The end.


  1. What did grandpa do to play a prank on his family?
  2. How did the kids react when they saw grandpa in his monster disguise?
  3. Who helped explain to the kids that grandpa was just playing a silly prank?
  4. What did the family do after they all sat down for dinner?

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