The Dreamers' Dream Come True

Once upon a time, there was a group of creatures who lived in a vast kingdom. They were called "The Dreamers." These Dreamers had big hearts filled with love and hope. They dreamed of a world where everyone was free, at peace, and treated equally.

One day, the Dreamers decided to hold a protest. They wanted to show their king that they wanted change. The king was not happy about this and declared war on the Dreamers.

But the Dreamers did not give up. They continued to spread love and kindness wherever they went. They sang songs of peace and painted pictures of freedom.

Eventually, the king saw the error of his ways and realized that the Dreamers' ideas were true. He made a decree that everyone in the kingdom would be equal and the kingdom would be filled with peace and love.

And so, the Dreamers' dream came true! They all lived happily ever after, in a world filled with freedom, peace, equality, and love. The end.


  1. What did the Dreamers dream about?
  2. Why did the king declare war on the Dreamers?
  3. How did the Dreamers show love and kindness?
  4. Why did the king change his mind?
  5. How did the Dreamers' dream come true?

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