Treasure Hunt in Jurassic Park: The Mud-y Adventure of the Prehistoric Friends

Once upon a time, in the land of Jurassic Park, there lived six prehistoric friends: a pterodactyl, a parasaurolophus, a stegosaurus, an ankylosaurus, a brontosaurus and a triceratops. They all had different personalities and quirks, but they always had a good time together.

One day, the pterodactyl decided to play a trick on his friends. He told them that there was a hidden treasure in the forest and he had a map to find it. The others were very excited and followed him into the forest.

After walking for hours, they finally found the treasure: a big pile of ice cream cones! But when they tried to eat them, they realized that the pterodactyl had replaced the ice cream with mud. The others were disappointed at first, but then they started to laugh and have fun playing in the mud instead.

From that day on, they always made sure to double-check the pterodactyl's maps before going on any adventures. And they all lived happily ever after, enjoying many more silly and adventurous moments in the land of Jurassic Park.


  1. Who is the main character of the story?
  2. How did the pterodactyl trick his friends?
  3. What was supposed to be in the hidden treasure?
  4. What did the friends end up doing instead of eating the ice cream?
  5. Why did they all live happily ever after?

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