Hoppy's Year of the Dragon Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a lucky rabbit named Hoppy who lived in China with his family. It was close to the New Year and everyone was preparing for the big celebration.

Hoppy was feeling extra lucky, because he found an old calendar that said the year of the dragon would bring good fortune and prosperity. He decided to make the most of his luck and help spread joy to his family and friends.

So, Hoppy gathered all the oranges he could find and made a big pile in the town square. He also made delicious dumplings to share with everyone.

As the New Year festivities began, a dragon appeared and asked Hoppy what he was doing. Hoppy explained that the calendar had said this was the year of the dragon, and that he wanted to spread prosperity and happiness to all.

The dragon was so touched by Hoppy's kindness that he granted him a special wish. Hoppy wished for his family and friends to have a happy and prosperous New Year.

And just like that, the dragon breathed fire and turned the pile of oranges into gold! The whole town cheered and feasted on the dumplings, and Hoppy became known as the luckiest rabbit in all of China.

The end.


  1. Why do you think Hoppy was feeling lucky?
  2. What did Hoppy do to spread prosperity and happiness on New Year's Eve?
  3. How did the dragon react to Hoppy's kindness?
  4. What was Hoppy's special wish?
  5. Why did the town cheer at the end of the story?

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