Freddie's Emotional Rollercoaster Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Freddie. Freddie had a lot of emotions and was always feeling something different.

One day, Freddie was afraid of the dark, but then he found a night light and was happy again.

The next day, Freddie was sad because he lost his favorite toy, but then he found it and was surprised.

The following day, Freddie was sick and had to stay in bed all day, which made him tired.

But the day after that, Freddie was angry because his brother took his cookie, but then his mom gave him two cookies and he was no longer angry.

Another day, Freddie was sleepy and wanted to take a nap, but his friends came over and they went on an adventure, which made him less sleepy.

Finally, Freddie was hungry and asked his mom for a snack, which made him happy again.

The end.


-What emotions did Freddie feel in the story?
-What made Freddie happy, sad, surprised, etc.?
-How did Freddie's emotions change throughout the story?
-What would you do if you were in Freddie's place?
-What do you think will happen to Freddie next?

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