The Rainbow of Harmony: A Tale of Friendship Among Colors

Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom where all the colors lived together in harmony. But one day, the colors got into a big argument over who was the best color. Green claimed to be the best because it was the color of trees and plants, which provided oxygen for everyone to breathe. Purple said it was the best because it was the color of royalty. Red said it was the best because it was the color of love and passion. Pink said it was the best because it was the color of happiness and joy. Yellow said it was the best because it was the color of the sun, which gave light and warmth to the world. White claimed to be the best because it was the color of peace and purity. Brown said it was the best because it was the color of earth and stability. Blue said it was the best because it was the color of the sky and the sea. Orange said it was the best because it was the color of adventure and excitement. Black said it was the best because it was the color of strength and power.

Just then, a tiny fairy appeared and said, "Colors, can't you see that each of you is special and unique in your own way? You don't have to compete with each other. You can work together to make the world a beautiful place."

And with that, the colors realized that the fairy was right. They hugged each other and apologized for the argument. From then on, the colors worked together to create a rainbow of beautiful hues that brightened up the kingdom every day.


  1. How did the colors feel about each other before the fairy appeared?
  2. Why was each color convinced it was the best?
  3. How did the colors change after the fairy spoke to them?
  4. What was the final outcome of the colors working together?
  5. Can you think of a time when you and your friends had a disagreement but were able to work it out in the end?

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