The Jungle Adventure of Ellie, Bella, Coco and Max

Once upon a time, in a lush green jungle, there lived a big and friendly elephant named Ellie. Ellie loved to roam around the jungle and make new friends. One day, while she was out for a walk, she came across a cute little puppy named Bella. Bella was lost and had been wandering around the jungle for days. Ellie took pity on her and decided to take her under her wing.

Together, Ellie and Bella explored the jungle and had many adventures. They met many different animals, but none were as adorable as the little kitten named Coco. Coco had been separated from her family and was all alone. Ellie and Bella decided to help her find her way back home.

On their journey, they came across a tiny mouse named Max. Max was very scared and had been running from a big cat. Ellie and her friends knew they had to help him. They came up with a plan to distract the cat and help Max escape.

With the help of Ellie's strength, Bella's quick thinking, Coco's agility, and Max's intelligence, they were able to outsmart the cat and save Max. From that day on, Max joined Ellie, Bella, and Coco on their adventures and they all became the best of friends.

They explored the jungle, played games, and helped other animals in need, always sticking together and looking out for one another. They showed that no matter how big or small you are, friendship knows no bounds. And they all lived happily ever after.


  1. What is the name of the elephant in the story?
  2. How did Ellie and Bella meet?
  3. Who did Ellie, Bella, and Coco help on their journey?
  4. What did Ellie, Bella, Coco, and Max learn about friendship in the story?

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