The Scenic Route Race

Once upon a time, there was a hare who loved to play pranks on his friends. One day, he came up with a brilliant idea to play a trick on the other animals in the forest. The hare gathered all of his friends, including a dolphin, frog, giraffe, elephant, bear, fox, bird, eagle, crocodile, fish, and lizard and told them that there was going to be a race.

The hare explained that the winner would get to eat as much food as they wanted for a whole week! All of the animals were excited and agreed to participate in the race.

As the race began, the hare took off at lightning speed, but instead of running straight, he zigzagged back and forth. The other animals became confused and started to run in circles.

The hare laughed and shouted, "I win! I win!" The other animals were shocked and asked how the hare won when he didn't even run the right path. The hare replied with a mischievous grin and said, "I took the scenic route!"

Everyone had a good laugh and the hare learned that it's more fun to play fair and have a good time with friends, rather than play tricks and be a sore loser. From that day on, the hare and his animal friends had many more fun adventures together.


  1. Why did the hare play a trick on his friends?
  2. What did the hare do to win the race?
  3. Did the other animals get mad at the hare for playing a trick on them?
  4. What did the hare learn from playing the trick?
  5. What is the moral of the story?

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