Once upon a time, a finger wanted to play hide and seek but all the other body parts were busy. So, the finger went on a journey to find someone to play with. The finger met the leg and asked if it wanted to play, but the leg said it was too busy running. The finger then met the toe and asked if it wanted to play, but the toe said it was too busy wiggling. The finger continued its journey and finally found the hand. The hand was free and agreed to play with the finger. They had so much fun playing hide and seek together. Suddenly, the finger saw the belly and asked if it wanted to join the game. The belly laughed and said, “I may be round, but I’m not very good at hiding!” The finger and the hand continued to play with the hair and the eye, but the foot was too tired from all the walking to play. The finger had a great time playing with all the other body parts and couldn't wait for their next playdate.
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