The Grandpa's Great Escape: A Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, a family of 9 went for a picnic in the park. The family included dad, mum, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle, and the cousin. Grandma brought her famous potato salad, but little did she know that when grandpa sat on it! Everyone started to chase grandpa, but he was too fast. Uncle tried to catch him with a fishing net, aunt tried to lure him with candy, cousin tried to tickle him, and even dad tried to tackle him but all failed. Just then, mum came up with a clever idea, she promised grandpa his favorite meal if he stopped running. Grandpa happily agreed and everyone sat down to enjoy their picnic. The end.


  1. Who sat on Grandma's potato salad?
  2. What did Grandpa love to eat?
  3. How did Mum stop Grandpa from running?
  4. Who tried to catch Grandpa first?
  5. What happened at the end of the picnic?

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