The Cheese Confetti New Year's Bash

Once upon a time, on New Year's Eve, all the animals were throwing a big party. They popped open a bottle of champagne and put on their best masks and party hats. But as they started to count down the timer, they realized they had forgotten the most important thing: confetti!

Just as they were about to panic, a tiny mouse came up with a brilliant idea. She scurried off and came back with a basket full of cheese shreds. The animals cheered and threw handfuls of cheese confetti into the air as the timer struck midnight!

From that day on, every New Year's Eve, the animals would celebrate with cheese confetti and always remember the little mouse who saved the party. The end.


  • What was the problem at the New Year's Eve party?
  • Who came up with the idea to use cheese as confetti?
  • What happened when the timer struck midnight?
  • How did the animals feel about the cheese confetti?
  • What did the animals learn from the little mouse's idea?

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