The Rainbow of Colors: A Tale of Friendship and Diversity

Once upon a time, there was a group of colors who lived in a rainbow. Pink, green, white, blue, red, black, brown, and orange all lived together in peace, until one day, they got into an argument about who was the best color.

Pink said, "I'm the sweetest color, everyone loves me!" Green chimed in, "I'm the color of nature, I bring life!" White boasted, "I'm the color of purity and innocence!" Blue added, "I am the color of the sky and the ocean, I'm serene."

Red declared, "I'm the color of passion and excitement!" Black stated, "I'm the color of power and mystery." Brown argued, "I'm the color of earth and stability." And finally, Orange exclaimed, "I'm the color of sunshine and happiness!"

The argument continued until they decided to have a competition to see who was truly the best color. They each took turns performing their best tricks and talents. Pink twirled and danced, Green grew a beautiful garden, White shone brighter than ever, Blue painted a breathtaking sunset, Red set the sky on fire with its passion, Black disappeared and reappeared in an instant, Brown built a sturdy home, and Orange lit up the sky with its warmth.

In the end, they all realized that each color was unique and special in its own way. They hugged and made up, and from that day forward, they all lived happily together, knowing that they were all important and needed in the rainbow.

The moral of the story is that everyone is special and important in their own way, just like each color in the rainbow.


  1. Why did the colors argue in the story?
  2. What did each color think made them the best?
  3. How did they resolve their argument?
  4. What did they learn about each other in the end?
  5. What is the moral of the story?

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