The Clothes Mix-Up Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a jacket named Jack who loved to wear different types of clothing. One day, he asked his friends T-shirt, Dress, Shorts, Trousers, and Hat to go on an adventure with him.
While they were walking, they came across a pond and decided to take a dip. But when they got in the water, their clothes got all mixed up!
Jack ended up wearing a T-shirt over his jacket, Dress had shorts on her head, Trousers were wearing a hat, and Shorts were wearing a dress!
They all laughed at each other and continued on their adventure, never forgetting the silly mix-up and always being grateful for each other's unique style.


  • What happened to the clothes of Jack and his friends?
  • Why were they laughing at each other?
  • What did Jack and his friends learn from the adventure?
  • How do you think the characters felt about the mix-up of their clothes?
  • Can you think of a time when you mixed up your clothes in a funny way?

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