Crunky the Crocodile Flies High with Friends

Once upon a time, there was a bear named Benny who lived in the forest. One day, he saw an eagle flying overhead and decided to follow it. The eagle led Benny to the ocean where he met a friendly bird named Benny and a dolphin named Dolly. They all became fast friends and decided to explore the ocean together.

As they were swimming, they came across a crocodile named Crunky who was feeling sad because he couldn't fly like the other animals. Benny, the bear, had an idea. He suggested that they all take turns carrying Crunky so he could see what it was like to fly.

First, the eagle carried Crunky, soaring high in the sky. Then, the bird took a turn, flapping its wings and gliding through the air. Finally, it was Dolly's turn. The dolphin swam as fast as she could, jumping out of the water and into the air. Crunky was so happy to finally experience flight that he started doing flips and twists!

From that day on, Crunky was no longer sad and the group of friends had many more adventures together. The end.


  1. Why was Crunky the Crocodile sad?
  2. What did Benny the Bear suggest to make Crunky happy?
  3. Who took turns carrying Crunky to help him fly?
  4. How did Crunky feel after experiencing flight?
  5. What kind of adventures did the group of friends have together?

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