Benny the Bus and the Helpful Ship

Once upon a time, there was a little bus named Benny. Benny loved to take the children to school in the morning, but one day, a strong wind blew and Benny got lost. He drove down the street, past the shop and the sheep grazing in the fields, but he couldn't find the school.

Just then, Benny saw a ship sailing on the horizon. He honked his horn and the ship heard him. The ship sailed closer and closer until it stopped right next to Benny.

"Hello, little bus," said the ship. "Where are you going?"

"I'm trying to find the school, but the wind blew me off course," Benny replied.

"Don't worry," said the ship. "I know the way. Follow me."

And so, Benny followed the ship, and they soon arrived at the school. The children were so happy to see Benny and they all climbed on board.

As they were driving back home, Benny felt something wet on his floor. He looked down and saw that one of the children had spilled their juice on the floor. Benny felt sad and thought he will never be able to take the children to school again.

But then the ship said, "Don't worry, little bus. We'll stop at the next shop and buy you a new cup or mug. You'll be as good as new."

And that's exactly what they did. Benny was so happy to have a new mug, and the children were happy to have Benny back. From that day on, Benny and the ship were the best of friends, and they would always make sure to stay together, no matter how strong the wind blew.

The end.


  1. Why did Benny get lost on the way to school?
  2. How did Benny feel when he saw the spilled juice on his floor?
  3. How did the ship help Benny find the school?
  4. How did Benny feel after getting a new cup or mug?
  5. Why did Benny and the ship become friends?

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