The Adventure Squad's World Tour

Once upon a time, there was a tour guide named Timmy who loved to travel around the world. One day, he met an engineer named Emily who was building a house. Timmy asked her if she wanted to join him on his next adventure. Emily said yes and they went to find a car to drive.

On their journey, they met a movie star named Sarah who wanted to sail a boat to the next destination. So, they all hopped on the boat together. When they reached their destination, they met a truck driver named John who offered to give them a ride.

During the ride, John told them about his friend, an architect named Jake who was designing a video game. Timmy, Emily, Sarah, and John decided to visit Jake and see his game. They were so impressed by the game that they asked Jake to come with them on their next adventure.

Their next adventure was to climb a mountain. On the way up, they met a delivery person named Maria who was delivering packages to the top of the mountain. Maria joined their group and they all reached the top of the mountain together.

The end.


  1. Who were the characters in the story and what were their professions?
  2. How did they travel from one place to another?
  3. What was the most exciting adventure they went on?
  4. Who joined the group on their journey?
  5. What did they do when they reached the top of the mountain?

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