The Big Man and the Small Light Fairy's Four Season Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a big man who had a long nose. One day, he met a small light fairy who lived in the spring. They became friends and decided to travel the world together.

The first place they visited was the fall, where the leaves were colorful and the air was crisp. The big man thought the leaves were too heavy to pick up, but the small light fairy lifted them with ease.

Next, they went to winter where the snow was knee-deep. The big man struggled to walk in the snow, but the small light fairy floated on top of it.

Finally, they arrived at summer where the sun was shining and the flowers were blooming. The big man was so hot that he started to melt, but the small light fairy cooled him down with a gentle breeze.

From that day on, the big man and the small light fairy continued to have many adventures and have been best friends forever.


-What season did the big man struggle the most during their journey?
-Why was the small light fairy able to lift heavy leaves in fall?
-How did the small light fairy help the big man in summer?
-What is the meaning of friendship according to this story?

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