Scoopy the Squirrel and the Trading Adventure

Once upon a time in a forest, there lived a squirrel named Scoopy. Scoopy had a big problem, he had a few blueberries but wanted a lot of nuts, and vice versa. One day, Scoopy met a wise old bear who suggested, "Why don't you trade with the birds?"

Scoopy agreed and went to the bird's nest where he saw a few nuts and a lot of blueberries. The birds, on the other hand, had a few blueberries but wanted a lot of nuts. They both struck a deal and traded their goods.

Next, Scoopy went to visit his friend Bunny who was having a cherry and cupcake party. Scoopy saw that Bunny had a few cherries and a lot of cupcakes. Scoopy wanted to trade some of his nuts for cupcakes, but all Bunny wanted was cherries. So, Scoopy traded his blueberries for cherries, and now both had what they wanted.

The moral of the story is, sometimes it's better to trade and share with others to get what you really want.

The End.


  1. What did Scoopy want more of?
  2. Who did Scoopy meet that helped him solve his problem?
  3. How did Scoopy get what he wanted in the end?
  4. What was the moral of the story?
  5. What would you have done if you were Scoopy?

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