Max and Lucy's Fun Adventure Day

Once upon a time, there were two best friends named Max and Lucy. They loved to play catch and go on hikes together. One day, they decided to go on a big adventure. They started by mailing a package to their friend who lived far away.
Next, they went to the park to watch some DVDs and practice their skateboarding skills. But they noticed that their sneakers were old and worn out, so they went to buy new ones.
At the park, they also played a game of volleyball and went for a run. Afterwards, they took some pictures to remember their amazing day.
Finally, they ended their adventure by walking their dogs and having a good night's sleep, ready for their next adventure. The end.


  1. What did Max and Lucy do first on their adventure day?
  2. Why did Max and Lucy go to buy new sneakers?
  3. What games did Max and Lucy play at the park?
  4. What did Max and Lucy do at the end of their adventure day?
  5. Can you name all the activities Max and Lucy did during their adventure day?

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