The Chore Adventure of Lucy

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy who didn't like to do household chores. One day, her mom gave her a list of tasks to do: make the bed, set the table, dust the furniture, mop the floor, wash the car, and do the laundry.

Lucy thought it was going to be a boring day, but then she had an idea. She decided to make all the chores into a game!

First, she made the bed by jumping on it and pretending to be a superhero. Then, she set the table by juggling the plates and acting like a circus performer. Next, she dusted the furniture by twirling around with a feather duster and pretending to be a ballerina.

After that, she mopped the floor by doing the hula dance and singing a tropical song. Then, she washed the car by pretending to be a race car driver and honking the horn. Lastly, she did the laundry by having a fashion show with all the freshly cleaned clothes.

By the end of the day, all the chores were done and Lucy had so much fun that she didn't even realize she had been working! The end.


  1. What did Lucy do to make household chores fun?
  2. How did Lucy turn each chore into a game?
  3. What was the result of Lucy's creative approach to chores?
  4. What can we learn from the story about making boring tasks more enjoyable?
  5. Can you think of your own creative way to do household chores?

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