Noisy and the Smelly Soap Monster

Once there was a noise-loving creature named Noisy who lived in a world full of music and rainbows. One day, while singing and dancing to the beautiful music, Noisy accidentally stumbled upon an awful smell coming from a pile of garbage. Upon investigation, Noisy found that a bar of soap had fallen into the pile and caused the bad odor.

Determined to fix the problem, Noisy put on a mask and bravely approached the pile. But as Noisy reached for the soap, it suddenly transformed into an ugly monster that chased Noisy all around the world.

Noisy ran and ran, trying to escape the monster, until finally, they came across a rainbow. The rainbow’s colors were so wonderful that the monster couldn't help but stop and admire them. Noisy used this opportunity to grab the soap and clean up the garbage, turning it back into the good-smelling bar of soap it once was.

And so, Noisy learned that even the ugliest of things can be turned into something beautiful with a little bit of hard work and a whole lot of wonder.


  1. Why was Noisy running from the soap monster?
  2. What made the soap monster stop chasing Noisy?
  3. What did Noisy learn from the experience with the soap monster?
  4. How did Noisy turn the bad situation into a good one?
  5. How does the rainbow play a role in the story?

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