A Fun-Filled Day with Friends: Playing Catch, Watching DVDs, Borrowing Books, and Surfing the Internet

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends named Jack, Jill, and Tim. They loved to spend their afternoons playing catch in the park, watching DVDs at each other's houses, borrowing books from the library, and surfing the Internet.

One day, they decided to do all of these things in one day. They started off by playing catch in the park until lunchtime. After they ate, they went to Jack's house to watch a DVD. They laughed and had a great time together.

Next, they walked to the library to borrow some books. They picked out a few that looked interesting and headed back to Jill's house to read them.

After reading for a while, they started to get bored and decided to surf the internet. They spent hours exploring different websites and having fun together.

By the end of the day, they were tired but happy. They had done all of their favorite things and had a great time doing them together. They made a plan to do it again the next week.

The end.


  1. What activities did Jack, Jill, and Tim like to do together?
  2. Where did they spend their first activity of the day?
  3. Where did they go to watch a DVD?
  4. What did they do after reading books from the library?
  5. How did they feel at the end of the day?

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