The Model's Misplaced Earrings and the Stuffed Toy Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a model who loved to play golf. One day, she was out on the course and noticed that her earrings were missing! She searched high and low, but couldn't find them anywhere. Suddenly, she remembered that she had been filming herself with her video camera. She rewound the footage and saw that her earrings had fallen off into her golf bag! She quickly retrieved them and put them back on.

While she was out shopping for a new novel to read, she stumbled upon a stuffed toy that looked just like her. It was wearing a necklace and a ring that matched her earrings perfectly! She had to have it. She bought the stuffed toy and the drink that came with it. From that day on, she never left home without her new best friend. Everywhere she went, the stuffed toy would come along and make everyone smile with its silly antics. The end.


  1. What did the model lose while playing golf?
  2. How did she find her missing earrings?
  3. What did the model buy in the store?
  4. Why did the model keep the stuffed toy with her everywhere she went?
  5. What did the stuffed toy do to make everyone smile?

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