Lily's Cosmic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who loved adventure. She decided to buy a pony and go kayaking with it. Suddenly, they were teleported to Mars and met a TV star who lived there. The TV star took them on a tour of the red planet and introduced them to a sports star who was training for an upcoming intergalactic competition.
Next, they went to Antarctica to see the penguins and went skydiving to get a better view. As they landed, Lily realized she left her motorbike at home. So she used her magic powers to transport her motorbike to Antarctica, and they rode off into the sunset. The end.


  1. What adventures did Lily go on?
  2. Who did she meet on Mars?
  3. What did they do in Antarctica?
  4. How did Lily get her motorbike to Antarctica?
  5. What was the name of the story?

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