Bounce Gets Installed

Once upon a time, there was a ball named Bounce who loved to fall from high places. One day, Bounce decided to visit the mall with all its friends. They had a great time playing and trying on new outfits. But then Bounce saw a sign for a new game installation in the hall. Excited, Bounce rolled over to check it out. Suddenly, Bounce fell into the installation and got stuck!
Bounce's friends tried to call for help, but no one could hear them. Just when they thought all was lost, a kind mall security guard came to the rescue and helped install Bounce back where it belonged. From then on, Bounce made sure to always stay away from installations and stick to playing in the hall where it was safe. The end.


  • What did Bounce like to do?
  • Who helped Bounce get unstuck from the installation?
  • Where did Bounce and its friends go in the story?
  • Why did Bounce fall into the installation?
  • What did Bounce learn from this experience?

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