Licking Bricks and Feeling Sick: The Misadventures of Kit and Skip

Once upon a time, there was a mischievous cat named Kit. Kit loved to play tricks on his friends. One day, Kit decided to play a trick on his best friend, a dog named Skip. Kit told Skip that whoever could lick the most bricks in one minute would win a big prize. Skip, not knowing it was a trick, started to lick the bricks as fast as he could. But after just a few licks, he started to feel sick. Kit, who was watching and laughing, offered to help Skip by licking some bricks for him. But as soon as Kit started licking, he too got sick. In the end, they both ended up feeling so sick that they had to kick their way home. When they got there, they picked up a flick and started to click it back and forth, trying to forget about their sick adventure with the bricks. The end.


  1. What was the trick Kit played on Skip?
  2. Why did Skip start feeling sick after licking the bricks?
  3. How did Kit and Skip feel at the end of the story?
  4. What did Kit and Skip do to forget about their adventure with the bricks?
  5. What lesson did you learn from this story?

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