The Brave Bird and the Mischievous Monkey

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a little bird named Lap. He loved to fly and explore new places but he was always getting lost. One day, he found a map that showed all the interesting places in the land. Excited, Lap spread his wings and flapped towards the first place marked on the map.

As he flew, he noticed a gap in the map. He decided to check it out and discovered that it was a secret garden filled with delicious fruits and flowers. He ate and played until he heard a loud clap from behind him. When he turned around, he saw a group of animals who were clapping for him. They asked him if he wanted to join them for a picnic.

Lap agreed and joined the animals for a picnic under a big tree. They all sat down and opened their baskets. To their surprise, they saw that each basket had a different type of food, fruits, and sweets. Suddenly, they heard a loud snap, and they all looked up to see a mischievous monkey trying to steal their food. They quickly formed a plan to stop the monkey.

Lap suggested that they all put on caps and act like they were sleeping. The monkey approached, thinking he could steal the food undetected. But as soon as he reached for the food, the animals all woke up and started clapping loudly. The monkey was so scared that he ran away, never to be seen again.

From that day on, Lap became known as the bravest bird in the land and was always welcomed with open wings by all the animals. And every time they had a picnic, they would all wear their caps and clap to scare away any mischievous intruders.


  1. What did Lap find that helped him explore new places?
  2. What did Lap and the animals do to scare away the mischievous monkey?
  3. How did Lap become known as the bravest bird in the land?
  4. What did the animals and Lap do for their picnic?
  5. What did each basket have in it during the picnic?

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