The Juggling Pill-Drilling Mill Owner

Once upon a time, there was a mill in a village on a hill. The mill was run by Bill, who was known for his still and steady hand. He had a great skill of using the drill to fix anything that needed fixing. One day, while drilling, he stumbled upon a hidden underground cave filled with treasure. But as he reached for the riches, he realized they were guarded by a dragon.

To defeat the dragon, Bill decided to use his pill-popping skills. He pulled out a handful of pills and started juggling them like a pro. The dragon was so mesmerized by the show that it didn’t notice when Bill grabbed a gold coin and ran back to the surface.

From then on, Bill became the most famous and richest man in the village, all thanks to his juggling pill-drilling skill! And the villagers lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. What did Bill do to defeat the dragon?
  2. How did Bill become rich?
  3. What was Bill's skill before he defeated the dragon?
  4. Why was the dragon mesmerized by Bill's juggling pills?

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