The Singing King and the Magic Ring

Once upon a time, there was a king who loved to sing. Every day he would fling open his window and let his voice ring out across the kingdom. One day, while singing, a bird flew by and dropped a shiny ring on the king's windowsill. The king was so excited that he decided to bring the ring to his royal jeweler to see what it was. The jeweler told him that it was a magic ring that granted wishes. The king wished for a pair of wings so he could fly and sing even higher. As soon as he put on the wings, he started to fling himself into the air, singing at the top of his lungs. He was having so much fun that he didn't notice when he started to cling to the side of a tall tower. The king was stuck and couldn't get down, but he didn't give up. He kept singing and eventually, the magic of his voice made the tower crumble, freeing him to fly and sing even more. From then on, the king would often bring the magic ring and his wings with him on adventures, always finding new things to sing about and new places to fling himself to.


  1. What did the king wish for?
  2. How did the king get down from the tower?
  3. Why did the tower crumble?
  4. What did the king always have with him on his adventures?
  5. What did the king sing about on his adventures?

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