Crabbie's Farewell Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a crab named Crabbie who lived by the sea. He loved to sell shells at the beach market every day. One day, as he was dwelling in his shell, he heard a loud bell ringing. He fell out of his shell and followed the sound to see what was happening. There, he met a beautiful mermaid who was saying farewell to her friends as she was going on a long journey. Crabbie wanted to tell her something, but all he could smell was the fresh ocean air. So he used that to his advantage and told the mermaid that she smelled like the ocean and that he would miss her. The mermaid laughed and gave Crabbie a kiss on the cheek before swimming away. From that day on, Crabbie always remembered the smell of the ocean and the sound of the mermaid's laughter whenever he sold his shells at the beach market.


  1. What did Crabbie use to make a lasting impression on the mermaid?
  2. Why do you think the mermaid laughed when Crabbie told her about the smell of the ocean?
  3. How did Crabbie remember the mermaid and her farewell even after she left?
  4. Can you think of another way Crabbie could have said farewell to the mermaid?
  5. Do you think you would have liked to be there to see Crabbie's farewell adventure?

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