Timmy's Busy Days: Cleaning, Fishing, Fishing, Fishing and Sleeping

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy was a very messy kid and he always left his toys and books all over his desk. One day, his mother told him, "Timmy, it's time to clean your desk."

Timmy didn't want to clean his desk, but he knew he had to. So, he picked up all of his toys and books and put them in their proper places. He even dusted and wiped down the surface of his desk.

After Timmy had cleaned his desk, he set the alarm on his clock for the next morning. He wanted to make sure he wouldn't be late for school.

The next day, Timmy woke up early because of the alarm. He felt so proud of himself for being on time. He ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and headed off to school.

After school, Timmy's mother told him he could choose an activity to do. He thought about it and decided he wanted to go fishing with his father. They went to the lake and Timmy caught a big fish.

The next day, Timmy's mother told him he could choose another activity. This time, Timmy wanted to go swimming. They went to the local pool and Timmy had a great time.

The day after that, Timmy's mother told him he could choose yet another activity. This time, Timmy wanted to go bowling with his friends. They went to the bowling alley and Timmy even got a strike!

Finally, after all of these fun activities, Timmy was tired and it was time for him to go to sleep. He set his alarm for the next day, crawled into bed, and fell asleep with a big smile on his face.

The end.


  1. What did Timmy's mother tell him to do at the beginning of the story?
  2. How did Timmy feel about cleaning his desk?
  3. What activities did Timmy choose to do after school?
  4. Why did Timmy set his alarm each day?

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