The Clay Boat Adventure of May and the Gray Bird

Once upon a time, in a beautiful clay village, there lived a young girl named May. May loved to play with clay and make different things every day. One day, she thought of making a clay boat and sailing it in the bay. She worked all day long, until the sun started to turn gray. Finally, her boat was ready and she ran to the bay to test it.
But when she reached the bay, she realized that she had left her oars at home! She was so sad and didn't know what to do. Just then, she saw a little gray bird who said, "Okay, I'll help you sail your boat." And so May and the bird sailed the boat together, but they encountered a delay. A big gust of wind came and they were blown away from the bay. But they didn't give up! They sailed their clay boat back to the bay and reached it safely. From that day on, May and the bird became the best of friends and had many more adventures together.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What did May make out of clay?
  3. Why did May and the bird need to sail the clay boat back to the bay?
  4. How did May and the bird become friends?

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