The Tower Turned Pool Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a small town where all the professions worked together to build a giant tower. The doctors measured everyone's height, the pupils counted the bricks, the builders built the tower, the waiters served lemonade, the vets checked on the animals, and the teachers taught everyone how to work together. But one day, when the tower was almost finished, a mischievous wind blew it down! Everyone was sad until the vets suggested using their tools to dig a big hole instead. The hole became a giant pool, and everyone had a great time swimming and splashing around. The end.


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. What did each profession do to help build the tower?
  3. Why did the tower end up being a hole instead?
  4. How did everyone feel about the tower falling down?
  5. What did everyone do in the end?

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