The Impatient Independent's Improbable Impractical Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Jack who lived in a small village. Jack was always impatient and wanted everything to happen quickly. He thought that being independent meant he could do whatever he wanted without asking for help. One day, Jack came across a Genie who promised to grant him three wishes. Jack wished for a lot of inappropriate things, but the Genie refused to grant those wishes because they were too immature.

Then, Jack wished for a flying carpet, which seemed impossible. But, to his surprise, the Genie granted his wish! Jack was overjoyed and jumped on the carpet, but quickly found out that it was impractical and informal. Jack soon realized that his wish for a flying carpet was not as inexpensive as he thought.

Despite all of this, Jack was still very independent and refused to ask for help. He decided to fly the carpet himself, even though he had no idea how to control it. The carpet flew all over the place, and Jack became increasingly impatient. Finally, he lost control of the carpet and crashed into a tree.

He learned a valuable lesson that day: sometimes it's okay to ask for help and that being independent doesn't necessarily mean doing everything on your own. From then on, Jack became more mature and made better wishes. The end.


  1. Why was Jack always impatient?
  2. What happened when the Genie granted Jack's wish for a flying carpet?
  3. Why did Jack crash into the tree while flying the carpet?
  4. What did Jack learn from his adventure with the Genie?
  5. In what ways could Jack have made better wishes?

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