The Mirror Tree and the Sweet and Sour Treats

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful tree that stood tall and proud in the middle of a lush forest. The tree had smooth, shiny leaves and a trunk that was as rough as sandpaper. The forest animals loved to play around the tree and sit in its shade.

One day, a little bear named Benny came across a mirror that was lying on the ground near the tree. Benny had never seen a mirror before, so he was very curious. He picked it up and looked at himself. He saw that his fur was shiny and smooth just like the leaves of the tree. He was so excited that he ran to show his friends.

Benny's friends were equally impressed by the mirror. They all took turns looking at themselves and admiring their own reflections. As they were playing, they noticed a honeycomb hanging from a branch of the tree. The honey looked so sweet and delicious that they couldn't resist. They climbed up the tree and licked the honey off the comb. It was the sweetest honey they had ever tasted.

After they finished the honey, they noticed a lemon hanging from another branch of the tree. They had never seen a lemon before and wondered what it was. One of the animals picked it up and took a lick. The sour taste made their face pucker up. They laughed and realized that not everything is sweet.

From that day on, the forest animals would visit the tree and the mirror every day. They would play and look at themselves in the mirror and enjoy the sweet honey and sour lemon. The tree became a special place for them where they learned about the different tastes and how to appreciate them.

The end


  1. What did Benny think of the mirror when he first saw it?
  2. Why did the forest animals like to play around the tree?
  3. What did the forest animals find hanging from a branch of the tree?
  4. How did the animals react when they tasted the lemon for the first time?
  5. Why did the tree become a special place for the forest animals?

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