The Adventure of the 10 Friends

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends named Jump, Run, Walk, Climb, Swim, Draw, Write, Fly, Dance and Talk. One day, they decided to have a big adventure together.

First, Jump and Run challenged each other to a race. They ran so fast that their legs became blurry. But in the end, Jump made a great leap and won by a hair's breadth!

Next, Walk and Climb decided to explore a nearby mountain. Walk took his time strolling up the incline while Climb scampered up the rocks like a mountain goat. When they reached the top, they found a crystal-clear lake and decided to go for a swim.

Swim dove into the water and started doing flips, but Draw and Write were more interested in capturing the beauty of the landscape. They took out their sketchpads and started drawing and writing poems about the stunning view.

Meanwhile, Fly and Dance were soaring high in the sky, performing acrobatics and twirling through the clouds. They invited Talk to join them, but she preferred to sing a beautiful song about friendship and adventure.

The friends spent the whole day having fun and exploring new things together. In the end, they all agreed that it was the best adventure ever and vowed to have many more in the future.


  1. Who won the race between Jump and Run?
  2. What did Walk and Climb discover on top of the mountain?
  3. What did Draw and Write do at the lake?
  4. What did Fly and Dance do in the sky?
  5. What did Talk do during the adventure?
  6. How did the friends feel at the end of the adventure?

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