The Garbage Collector's Lesson: The Importance of Cleanliness and Open Mind

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a garbage collector named Sally. Sally loved her job, but she noticed that many people in her town were not very good at keeping their garbage separate from their recycling. She decided to teach the town a lesson about the importance of keeping things clean and tidy.

One day, Sally went door-to-door handing out bars of soap to everyone in the town. She explained that by using the soap to wash their hands before handling their garbage, they would be less likely to spread germs and bacteria.

The people of the town listened to Sally and began using the soap regularly. They also started sorting their garbage and recycling more carefully. As a result, the town became much cleaner and healthier.

Sally was happy to see the difference that a little soap and some good habits could make. She decided to reward the people of the town with a big party. At the party, everyone sat on soft pillows and enjoyed some delicious treats.

But something unexpected happened, some kids were playing with a rock and found out that it was harder than it looked. Sally took the opportunity to explain that, just like the rock, not everything is what it seems, and they should always keep an open mind and be willing to learn new things.

The children listened to Sally's words and promised to be more thoughtful and considerate in the future. From that day on, the town remained clean and healthy, and the people were happy knowing that they were doing their part to keep the earth a good place to live.

The end.


  1. What did Sally do to help the people in the town become more aware of keeping things clean and tidy?
  2. Why was it important for the people in the town to wash their hands before handling their garbage?
  3. What happened at the party that Sally threw for the town?
  4. What lesson did Sally teach the children at the party?
  5. How did the town change after Sally's efforts to educate the people about keeping it clean and tidy?

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